A Body To Die[t] For ...is a darkly comic, uplifting, fantasy musical about our obsession with body-image. Greta, Is a normal teenager and would-be English Teacher from Brentwood. Running away from an abusive stepfather she begins a journey towards self-discovery through a crazy world where her body is the object of fascination to all and where fat and thin, male and female, media and politics, appetite and self-image are at war.

As Greta’s life and weight fluctuate she is exploited by the fashion industry, betrayed by friends and lovers, experimented on, bewitched by the Willendorf Venus, targeted by anti-body fascist terrorists and manipulated by politicians. Which of her lovers will she end up with? Will she achieve her dream of becoming an English teacher? Will obese surrealist terrorists blow up her wedding? Can Greta ever return to normal...and what is normal?

Read the label.......this show is NOT fat-free!


C Venues Edinurgh Fringe Festival (August 2013);

Landor Theatre (February 2013);

Etcetra Theatre - workshop (Nov - 2012)